Criminal Law

If you’ve been charged with a crime, call our 24-hour hotline at 360-880-2399 and speak to an attorney.

Since 1946, the attorneys at Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP have prided themselves with the quality representation provided to its clients. Being charged with a crime, whether a felony or misdemeanor, can be a frightening and frustrating experience. Even getting pulled over for a traffic infraction can be terrifying because of the consequence on your driving record.

The possibility of jail time, hefty fines, and the loss of driving privileges or professional licenses can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. If you’re charged with a crime, having an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney will make all the difference.

Althauser Rayan Abbarno has a team of attorneys with experience as prosecuting attorneys and public defenders. Our attorneys have extensive experience in Lewis County District Court, Lewis County Superior Court, Centralia Municipal Court, Chehalis Municipal Court, Thurston County District Court, Thurston County Superior Court, Olympia Municipal Court, Tumwater Municipal Court, just to name a few.

Our Attorneys are extensively involved in the community so we know the players not just from our vast experience in the court room but also outside of court. In all aspects of our lives in and outside of the office we strive to create solid relationships in the communities of Lewis County, Thurston County and all the Municipalities in between.

Some frequent charges we have defended include:


  • Being charged with Driving While Under the Influence can be a devastating experience. Even if the charge is later dismissed it can, and mostly likely will, be a stressful and costly experience. Washington law imposes mandatory minimum sentences, mandatory license suspensions, mandatory ignition interlock installation, mandatory high risk car insurance (SR22), mandatory treatment at your own cost, mandatory victim panels. A DUI can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life.

Domestic Violence Defense

  • Many criminal charges can be labeled domestic violence crimes, including assault, harassment, interfering with making a report, and coercion, to name a few. The reality is that domestic violence charges are serious. If you are convicted of a crime constituting domestic violence it will impact your ability to serve in the military or law enforcement and you can be prohibited from owning a firearm.

Driving While License Suspended

  • In Washington your driver’s license can be suspended for several reasons. While your license is suspended your privilege to driver a motor vehicle is striped from you. Not being able to drive often means not being able to work. Being convicted of Driving While License Suspended can affect your ability to keep your job or obtain employment in the future. We are here to help protect your driving privileges and keep this charge from causing you harm in the future.

Traffic Infractions

  • Receiving a traffic infraction can have long term consequences on not only your driving record but your professional life and your financial stability. Here at Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP, our attorneys have the experience necessary to defend your rights and ensure that this infraction has as minimal an effect on your life as possible.

Our representation doesn’t stop there. If you’ve been convicted already, come to Althauser Rayan Abbarno and we may be able to help you with the following:

Vacate Criminal Conviction

  • A criminal conviction casts a long shadow, it can haunt you well after the case is resolved. It can prevent you from obtaining a job or a promotion. A criminal conviction can strip you of your gun rights. Under certain circumstances these convictions can be removed from your record. Giving you back your freedoms. Our attorneys are experienced in this processes and the eligibility requirements. We will do our best to get you out from under that shadow.

Gun Rights Restoration

  • In Washington certain criminal convictions can strip you of your constitutional right to bear arms. Losing your gun rights means no more hunting trips with your friends and family. It means losing a means to protect your family. It can be a frustrating and terrifying reality to face. We may be able to petition the State Court and have your rights restored.

Contact Us
If you need to speak with a lawyer about a criminal law matter, we encourage you to contact our firm to schedule a consultation. To reach our law office call 360-736-1301. Or, call our 24-hour criminal law number at 360-880-2399.