Family Law

Do I need a Divorce Lawyer?

For over 70 years, Althauser Rayan Abbarno has provided experienced and knowledgeable representation for people facing difficult family challenges, like Divorce, Child Custody, and Child Support. We offer a wide range of family law services to assist clients before, during and after a divorce.  We are your local Family Law and Divorce Attorneys in Centralia at 360-736-1301.

As your attorney, it is our job to apply the skills necessary to reach your goals pertaining to your family law matter. Whether it is a matter of domestic violence, child custody, child support, protecting your valuable assets, or a relocation of your child, we will defend your rights.

Call Althauser Rayan Abbarno at (360) 736-1301.

If you need spousal support/maintenance after your separation, or your spouse has committed an act of domestic violence against your or your children, we’ve got you covered throughout Southwest Washington. We are pleased to assist clients throughout southwest Washington and the south Puget Sound region, including Thurston County, Lewis County, Cowlitz County and Grays Harbor County.

How do I lower my Child Support?

If you are going through a divorce, it is critical to contact our office to help protect your rights and consider issues like:

  • Property division, including community and separate property;
  • Child custody and parenting plans;
  • Visitation;
  • Domestic violence protection orders;
  • Anti-harassment orders;
  • Child support;
  • Spousal support and maintenance;
  • Post-secondary support;
  • Relocation; and
  • Modification

When you need a family lawyer, you can count on us to give you the attention and legal representation that you deserve. In every case, the experienced legal team at Althauser Rayan Abbarno remains dedicated to doing what is necessary and right for the unique needs of our clients on a personal basis.

Contact Us
If you need to speak with a lawyer about a domestic family law issue, we encourage you to contact our firm to schedule a consultation. To reach our law office call 360-736-1301.