Blog/Articles – Althauser Rayan Abbarno
McGhie: What Rights Are You Waiving by Joining CCAT?
What Rights are you waiving by joining CCAT? That should be your first question before sighing up with the Centralia Police Department's new initiative to combat car thefts, the Centralia Combating Auto Theft (“CCAT”) program. Participants can register their vehicle’s...
Roadways are more Dangerous: Protect Yourself and Family
According to the National Safety Council, the roadways are more dangerous today than they were two years ago. Of the 161,374 Americans who died accidentally in 2016, 40,327 involved a vehicle; a 14 percent increase in roadway deaths since 2014. Read more about this...
Centralia Law Firm Building Relationships For Over 70 Years!
Look no further than the law firm of Althauser Rayan Abbarno when you think about local businesses with deep community roots and a history of involvement and public service. Since 1946, Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP has served our community and provided exceptional...
Peter Abbarno helps Morton High School Mock Trial Team!
Althauser Rayan Abbarno partner Peter Abbarno has been volunteering his time to help Morton High School Teacher Amanda West prepare for the upcoming YMCA Mock Trials in Vancouver, WA. "Parents in the community are lucky to have Amanda, who goes above and beyond for...
Althauser Rayan Abbarno: Attorneys Giving Back to Community!
Associate attorney Jake McGhie of the law firm of Althauser Rayan Abbarno LLP has been elected as the 2018 president of the Lewis County Bar Association. McGhie is a criminal defense attorney that has been with the firm since 2014. He represents clients charged with...
Peter Abbarno: Braves Icy Puget Sound for Special Olympics
Peter Abbarno, partner with Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP, will be braving the cold Puget Sound waters on February 10, 2018 as part of the Tacoma Polar Plunge to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics Washington and Lewis County Special Olympics. Peter is...
Law Firm Building Local Relationships For More Than 70 Years!
Look no further than the law firm of Althauser Rayan Abbarno when you think about local businesses with deep community roots and a history of involvement and public service. Since 1946, Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP has served our community and provided exceptional...
Serving our Community is a Hallmark at Athauser Rayan Abbarno!
For more than 70 years, Althauser Rayan Abbarno has had a long and proud history of community service and serving the legal community. Two Althauser Rayan Abbarno Associates continue the tradition. Congratulations to Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP attorney Jake McGhie...
Peter Abbarno delivers presents for The Forgotten Children’s Fund
Peter Abbarno, partner with the law firm of Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP, helped deliver presents, food, books, and clothing for The Forgotten Children's Fund to deserving families in Boistfort, Curtis, Pe Ell, Chehalis, Centralia, and throughout Lewis County. The...
Centralia Lighted Tractor Parade
Althauser Rayan Abbarno Partner Peter Abbarno will be announcing the Centralia Lighted Tractor Parade before the Centralia Winterfest Fireworks Spectacular on Saturday, December 9th live on KELA / KMNT Radio 104.3 FM and streaming online at! Parade begins...