A Registered Agent is a person or business named to receive legal documents on behalf of the corporation.
The business and corporate attorneys with Althauser Rayan Abbarno help explain if, and when, a businesses needs a registered agent in the State of Washington. For a consultation with an Althauser Rayan Abbarno attorney in Olympia or Centralia, call (360) 736-1301, visit CentraliaLaw.com, or E-mail [email protected]
Do I need a registered agent? What do they do? All Corporations, LLC’s, and Limited Partnerships doing business in Washington must have a Registered Agent with a physical Washington State address. The Registered Agent may be an individual or a business. The Registered Agent receives annual reports, notices, and service of process on behalf of the organization they represent.
The Registered Agent must provide a physical address at which the agent is available for service of process. The agent may provide a PO Box address in addition to a physical address for receiving notice.
How do I change or update a Registered Agent? To change the registered agent, for a business registered with the Washington Secretary of State, you can go online and file a Statement of Change. This service is free of charge. You may also update your Registered Agent information at the time of filing your Annual Report.
How do I resign as a Registered Agent? In order to resign as the Registered Agent you must file with the Secretary of State’s office the Statement of Resignation and follow the procedures under RCW 23.95.445. You may also file online using the Corporations and Charities Filing System.
How do I find a Registered Agent for my business? The law firm of Althauser Rayan Abbarno can assist your business with formation, as well as serve as your business’ registered agent in the State of Washington. For more information and to schedule a consultation with our attorneys at Althauser Rayan Abbarno in Centralia or Olympia, call (360) 736-1301 or visit CentraliaLaw.com
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