Thank you for the recent nomination of Althauser Rayan Abbarno, Peter Abbarno, and Jake McGhie for the “Best of Lewis County!” Please consider voting daily at beginning August 16th.

our-teamThe law office of Althauser Rayan Abbarno was recently nominated:

  • Best Place to Work in Lewis County, and
  • Best Customer Service in Lewis County!

Please consider voting daily at The Chronicle.




peter-abbarnoAlthauser Rayan Abbarno partner Peter Abbarno was nominated:

  • Best Volunteer in Lewis County; and
  • Best Elected Official in Lewis County!

Please consider voting daily at The Chronicle.




jakob-mcghieAlthauser Rayan Abbarno attorney Jake McGhie was nominated:

  • Best Young Professional in Lewis County!

Please consider Voting daily at The Chronicle.