The fee to record most documents in Washington State will increase by $100.00, effective July 25, 2021.

This increase is at the direction of HB 1277, passed during the 2021 legislative session. The surcharge will fund state and local programs that promote low-income housing, eviction prevention, and homelessness services.

Certain documents types are exempt from this increase:

  • Assignment of Deed of Trust
  • Appointment, Substitution, or Resignation of Trustee
  • Recorded marriage, birth, death records
  • Liens and Releases recorded by state, city, county, or a water/sewer district
  • Federal tax liens and releases

The State Department of Commerce (COM) will consult with stakeholders to create a set of performance metrics by
December 15, 2021, for each county receiving funding from the surcharge. The metrics must target actions within the county’s control that will prevent and reduce homelessness.

A fee schedule can be found through your county clerk’s office our court website.

For a consultation with the Althauser Rayan Abbarno attorneys in Centralia or Olympia, call (360) 736-1301 or visit