Blog/Articles – Althauser Rayan Abbarno
What happens to my drivers license after a DUI?
What is DUI? Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to operating a vehicle while affected by alcohol, drugs, or both. This applies to both legal and illegal drugs, including prescription medication and over-the-counter drugs. The criminal defense attorneys with...
Is it illegal to take a shopping cart?
It is not uncommon to see a shopping cart on the side of the road, in a park, or on a public right of way. It did not get there by accident. A common question is whether removing a shopping cart from a store or the parking lot of origin is a crime. We asked the...
How is spousal maintenance calculated in a divorce?
Spousal maintenance is found in RCW 26.09.09. In other jurisdictions, spousal maintenance is referred to as alimony. Spousal maintenance is an obligation of one person to provide financial support for his or her spouse during and after a marital separation or...
Loss of earning power in your workers’ compensation case
What are Loss Of Earning Power Benefits? Injured workers with an open L&I Claim for workers’ compensation who have returned to work may be eligible for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) Benefits. LEP benefits can help make up the difference between what you were making...
Tips for Driving in the Snow!
Cold, wet, and snowy weather can be both frightening and dangerous for travelers; especially when it is not an common occurrence. Parts of SW Washington is expected to receive up to a foot of snow. The attorneys with Althauser Rayan Abbarno want you to remind you to...
Buckling Up for Busy Holiday Travel
Americans are traveling at pre-pandemic levels; not seen since 2019! The Attorneys with Althauser Rayan Abbarno want you to be prepared for the inevitable headaches at the airport and on the road. Busy Travel For the past two year, many holiday festivities were...
Why you need a DUI attorney
If you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI/DWI) you are facing one of the most serious traffic offenses. If your BAC level is .08 or greater, you are facing two cases that you must defend. The first is the actual criminal charges filed in...
Labor and Industries’ Compensation Fund helps crime victims recover
The Washington State Crime Victim's Fund through the Department of Labor and Industries provide benefits to individuals injured and traumatized as a result of a violent crime. The injury attorneys with Althauser Rayan Abbarno help protect victim's rights, whether in a...
Alcohol Related Car Accidents Increase During Holidays
Drunk driving is a continuing problem during the holiday season that begins during Thanksgiving week and extends through New Year’s Day. Already in 2021, there have been 59 deaths from alcohol related collisions reported to the Washington State Department of...
DUI is a greater problem during holiday season
Drunk driving is a continuing problem during the holiday season that begins during Thanksgiving week and extends through New Year’s Day. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 40% of traffic-related deaths during Christmas and New...