Althauser Rayan Abbarno, LLP has handled many head injury cases. In addition to advocating for our injury clients, our injury attorneys learned about the impact head injuries have on the victim and their family.
Our injury attorneys want to educate our community and share information about how head injuries occur, what symptoms the injured person and their family should look for, and what treatments are available for people that have a head injury.
Causes of Head Injuries:
Head injuries are often the result of a blow to the head. Some of the most common head injuries are associated with motor vehicle collisions, falls, physical assaults, and sports-related accidents. However, health professional indicate that it is not necessary to strike your head to suffer from a head injury in a traumatic event.
Individuals often suffer head injuries in automobile collisions even though they did not strike their head against any object. Your brain can be injured by jolting or jerking movements which cause the brain to impact the inside of the skull; many have diagnosed this condition as whiplash. However it can be much more serious.
It is important to note that someone can suffer a head injury, yet diagnostic studies like MRI and CT scans may not find any anomalies. Medical science recognizes that not all head injuries show up on these studies. It is important to understand this because our injury attorneys have successfully represented clients with significant head injuries that had unremarkable diagnostic studies.
Symptoms of Head Injuries:
Our injury attorneys take all injuries very seriously; especially head injuries. That is a reason why Althauser Rayan Abbarno offers free injury consultations in Olympia and Centralia. We want there to be no barrier to you getting the help and guidance you need. Call (360) 736-1301.
There are several important questions our attorneys ask: Are you having headaches? Are your eyes light sensitive? Are there memory problems? Do you see a significant change in personality? Are they easily frustrated or angered? Do they have trouble selecting what words they want to use? Do they repeat themselves or ask the same questions?
Other problems could show up, such as ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, such as fear of driving or being a passenger in a vehicle.
Our injury attorneys help gather information from you so you can make educated decisions about your case and your medical care.
Treatments for Head Injuries:
Our attorneys strongly recommend that clients with head injuries or suspected head injuries seek treatment with a neurologist and a neuropsychologist to determine the extent of injury and how it will affect the injured person. Using testing and interviews they can evaluate whether someone suffered from a head injury and the severity. In some cases, medication is prescribed to help relieve the pain and discomfort. Others are prescribed treatment. In many cases, time is the best cure.
If you require treatment, a neuropsychologist will often recommend that you see a chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist, or occupational therapist to help sort out the problems you are having and come up with solutions.
Furthermore, if you suffer from tinnitus you may be referred to an audiologist to get a diagnosis and assist you with therapies. Vision problems may result in a referral for vision therapy or other optometry specialists. Our attorneys help clients find recommended treatment providers.
Getting Help for Head Injuries:
Unfortunately, not all head injuries resolve. Some require prolonged treatment. If you or someone you know has suffered a head injury in an accident or collision, it is important to contact experienced injury attorneys to protect your rights and benefits, and guide you through the process.
Althauser Rayan Abbarno offers free injury consultations in Olympia and Centralia by calling (360) 736-1301 or visiting
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