Many of us spend more time at work than we do home with our families. That is why there is a term “work family”. We may also be more likely to have a workplace injury. The insult to injury is the attitude and demeanor change by “work family” after a workplace injury- it can become hostile.

Workplace injuries are not a vacation; income is lower; medical bills are piling up, pressure from the employer to return to work early is increasing; appointments are inconvenient; and the pain of the injury is unbearable. Workplace injuries impact everyone! That is where experienced workers’ compensation attorneys can help.

Free Injury Consultation in Olympia and Centralia by calling (360) 736-1301

If injured workers do not exercise their right to file a workers’ compensation claim, then they may not be able to make ends meet or receive the proper and necessary medical care to return to work 100%. Workers’ Compensation Benefits available include Time Loss, Loss of Earning Power, Medical Treatment, Travel Reimbursements, Permanent Partial Disability Payments, Pensions, and more.

Our attorneys with Althauser Rayan Abbarno understand how to help your family secure every benefit. Our clients deserve medical treatment and fair compensation and we fight for each right and benefit. To learn more about our services or for a free consultation in Centralia or Olympia, call (360) 754-5844 or visit